Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Natural State



Last night I decided to take a picture of myself sans makeup and with wet hair, and then put it on Facebook for the world to see.  This isn't something I'd normally do, but here lately I've been trying to love the "natural" me more and more.  If I can't love the natural me, then who can?

I've really gotten into makeup the last few months, especially eye make up.  It's always fun to play with new colors, and to see what works best with my pale complexion.  But at the same time, I hate the way my skin feels suffocated when I wear a lot of make up.  Usually at the end of the day I want nothing more than to go home, wash it all off, and to go back to my natural state. 

Do you like the way you look?  As girls and women, this is one of the things we struggle with the most: our self-image.  I'm getting a lot more comfortable with mine lately; I hope you can be comfortable with yours one day.  It'll take some work, but you'll get there one day!



Monday, February 27, 2012

Take a Chance



Hey. Blah.  Yup, blah.  That word right there pretty much sums up how I'm feeling right about now.  I need a distraction from my brain and pronto.  When I hit a marker or important moment in my life, or make any kind of important decision, I usually stress like crazy until I finally get to see the outcome.  Well, I had a couple of those important moments this weekend and now I'm going crazy.

Taking chances is important.  If we didn't, as people we would never get to experience some of the things that really make life rewarding and worth-wile.  You take little chances everyday, but there are some days when you  make take those really big, world-sized risks that make your heart pound and your brain race like crazy.  I try to say "yes" to as many of those big risks as I can, as long as I know they won't put me or other people in danger.  And in saying yes, I know that even if I fail or something goes wrong, I know that at least I tried. 

How do you take risks?  Do you ever speak your mind, even if you know it might offend someone?  Or have you ever told that one guy that you like how you feel about him?  What about in school. . .do you try certain tasks even if you know that you might fail at them?  I hope you do.  Be confident in what you do, and try something if you know it'll get you another step further towards a bigger goal. 

I hope you had a good weekend.  Keep your head up!



Friday, February 24, 2012

She's Getting Married!



Hey! I have something special I want to talk to you about today.  I'm not sure if you heard or not, but a few days ago Bobby and Chrysta became engaged.  This is something our family has been waiting for for a while.  After being together off and on since 6th grade, and after having a child together, it almost seemed inevitable that it would happen.  And it finally did!

Normally in the movies when a sister tells another sister that she's getting married, the one sister gets all excited for her, jumping up and down, probably squealing a bit, and usually gives the engaged sister multiple hugs.  That's the movies, though.  When Chrysta told me she was engaged, my reaction was nothing like that.  It was quite the opposite, actually.  First, Chrysta told me through text, so it's not like I could reach through my cell phone and hug her brains out.  And I don't really like hugging family members (I know, I'm weird), so it would've been strange to hug her anyway.  When she texted me, my response was "Yay. . ."   After first, it was all I could think of to say.  I know. . .a little insensitive, right?  She didn't really like that response much, and I guess I can see why.  I really do think I lack a certain bone or fragment of DNA that makes me capable of responding to such events with happiness and glee.  When I open presents, I do it without showing emotion.  I'm incapable of buying a sappy birthday card, and when someone uses a term of endearment like "sweetie" or "honey," it makes me cringe a little inside. Either way, my reaction to Chrysta's engagement was a little, well, lame.

So what do you think? One of your sisters is finally getting married.  It was obviously going to be Chrysta first.  I never plan on getting married, and if I do, that guy is going to have to be something pretty darn special to change my mind about the whole marriage thing. 



Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Bigger Picture



Hey! How's vacation going?  I could really use a vacation right about now.  And today the weather was so nice; it makes me want spring and summer weather even more!

Well today I had an interesting conversation with a friend.  A lot of it had to do with past experiences and where I'm at today as a person.  I told this friend that I'm happy with who I am today, but I'm not happy with my place and role in everything as a whole.  Does that make any sense?  I've gone through a lot in the past year to become the person I am today.  Lots of learning, observing, and questioning had to be done, and it wasn't always easy, but I got through it.  But as far as where I'm at as a person in society and as a person in this huge world of ours, I can't quite say I'm that satisfied.  I have worked hard to become a college graduate, but other than that I feel like I have so much more to fulfill.  Know what I mean?

So that's something for you to think about. . .are you happy with who you are as a person?  And are you happy with who you are as a smaller part of the big picture?  It's never too early to start thinking about it. 

Keep your head up girl!



Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Your Future Self



Hey there.  Ever think about what you'll be like as an adult?  I remember when I was younger I would sit there and think about how I would be as I got older; what I would look like, if I would be pretty, what kind of job I would have, what kind of guy I would marry, if I ever would get married, who my friends would be, etc.  I used to think about all of that.  I remember how people, especially family members, would reassure me that I would be someone awesome.

I don't always feel like someone awesome.  When I would spend that time imagining my future self, I would always picture a super-independent, super-successful, super-fun woman.  That's what I wanted to be.  It's still what I want to be, and it's something I work towards every day.  But you know what's funny?  Things don't always turn out like you want them to.  People can spend years upon years planning for their future, only to have very little of it go the way they want to.  I never thought I would be a twenty-four year old working in retail, still not knowing what I want to be when I "grow up."  I still haven't gotten my grown-up job, or my grown-up house, or even my grown-up family. 

Some days this bothers me.  Here lately, you might hear me call myself a "loser." I don't always mean it, but at twenty-four, I'm not quite where I want to be and so it bothers me.  I am a very ambitious, very stubborn person, and so if I'm not reaching my goals, well then I'm not satisfied with my life.  And this ambition showed in my goals when I was younger, too.  I used to picture myself being a singer or a writer, both of which require a tremendous amount of ambition and dedication.  I strayed from the music part when I realized I was better at writing.  I still write today, but I don't know if I'll ever be that famous writer. 

So what do you think you'll be like as an adult?  Chances are, your vision of your future self will change as you get older.  My vision did, and it's still changing today.  You might be thirteen, but before you know it you'll be eighteen and out of high school, so you might as well start thinking about it now.  I'm not telling you to stress over it; that's not what I want for you at all.  But be a little creative, think about what you want, and you never know, you might just be that person you imagined yourself to be. 



Sunday, February 19, 2012

Let It Snow!



Hey.  There's less than an hour left to today, but either way I'm making sure I get my letter in!  Today has been another lazy day.  I had a little bit of girl time with Megan last night, which was really fun.  Today I got to spend some more time with her, and Chrysta, too.  And best of all, it's snowing! So, without further ado, let's talk about some snow.

I don't know what it is, but there is something about snow that is very peaceful and pure. I know white is the color for purity, so maybe that has something to do with it.  But it's also how quiet things are when it's snowing outside.  Not a lot of people are on the roads, and so that constant rumble of tires turning on pavement isn't there.  And when you have the big, fat flakes like we did today, there is something very soft about them and the way they fall to the ground.  What's sad is that a lot of people hate snow.  When you live in an area like we do, snow is usually rare, maybe coming once or twice a year.  Usually rarities are some of the most treasured things in life.  But not snow for some reason.  People complain and whine about the cold, about driving in it, or about how it ruins their plans.  But for me, I love it when it comes because I don't get to see it that often.  It's another one of those things you have to stop and appreciate.

I hope you get to play in the snow, if you got any at all.  I remember when you were little how we would take you outside with your huge marshmallow of a snowsuit on and pull you around on the sled.  You're probably a little too big for that now.  Hope you had a good weekend! Keep your head up :)



Saturday, February 18, 2012

Getting My Stuff Straight



Hey.  So I started reading a book recently that really has me thinking these past few days.  It's called "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man" by Steve Harvey.  Yes, it's one of those relationship books, but it's pretty interesting and thought-provoking, which means it has my attention.  Unfortunately, I can't share everything with you that I have found interesting in the book.  One, I just don't have enough space to do that, and two, some of it would probably be above your head considering your age.  I'll make sure to share the extra stuff in your journal, though, so that maybe you can read it one day when you're older.

So let me share with you the one idea from the book that really has me pondering some things.  It's the idea that until a guy is sure of who he is, what he does, and how much he makes, he will not be able to be in a productive, loving relationship.  But I'm starting to wonder if this could be indicative of both men and women.  This has got me thinking about the past eight months in which I've been single.  In all of those months, I have not met one guy that I would want to date.  While that has something to do with the type of guys I have met, I think it also reflects my own life at this point.  Right now, I'm pretty sure of who I am, but that's about it.  I'm not sure about what I want to do, and I'm definitely not content with how much I make.  And until I figure these last two out, I don't think I'd be able to focus on a relationship.  Right now, I'd rather focus my time on getting MY life straight than focusing on making a life with another person.  But I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing, either.  Who would want to date someone that wasn't sure of how they wanted their life to go?

Maybe it's time for me to start getting serious with my goals.  I know I want to go back to school, but that's kind of been put on hold because of surgery and financial costs that go along with both.  Maybe I need to set some short-term goals, like finding a better, more stable job.  Being a day-to-day person really helps eliminate a lot of stress with everyday life, but when it comes time for me to make big decisions, I know I'm going to wish I had planned ahead.

I hope you're having a good weekend.  Enjoy being a teenager while you can!  I know it might not seem like the best thing, especially when you're going through puberty and you have the awkwardness that comes from changing from a kid to a young adult, but being an adult is so much harder until you can figure it out.  And I'm still working on figuring it out.  Keep your head up!



Thursday, February 16, 2012

I've Got the Blues



Hey!  Well, I would ask how your day went but I did see you a few hours ago, and unless it's changed drastically since then, I think I got a good idea. . .but anyway!  So my letter yesterday was a little sucky.  I don't know what it is lately, but my mind has been in shut down mode, and I'm not doing the best thinking.  I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I've been cooped up in this house so much for the past two weeks.  When you're not out living your normal life, and you're going through your normal routine, it's hard sometimes to really learn any lessons in your day to day life.  At least that's how I feel, anyway.  For me, it's usually about those profound moments of realization, and well, I haven't had many of those lately.

I've definitely been a little down lately.  For anyone who knows me well enough, if I'm playing Gavin DeGraw on repeat, well, we have a problem.  Maybe it's my lack of a social life.  Or maybe it's the fact that I'm not working a whole lot.  Either way, I've been feeling like I'm getting the blues lately and it's so not cool!  What do you do when you're feeling down?  I usually crank the saddest music I can find, and then chase it with the most upbeat dance or hip hop music I have in my collection.  By the time I'm done I'm a sad person bouncing up and down in the driver's seat of my car.  It's probably not pretty.

Well tomorrow is Friday, and a new day.  I'm pretty excited that I get to sleep in.  Hope you have a good weekend! Keep your head up!



Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Work, Sleep, & Sweets



Hello!  I'll give you a heads up now, my mind is very blank, and so today's letter is probably going to be pretty random.  I started off my day at work, went and ate some food with Mom and Dad, then came home, took a nap, made dinner and took some to Megan.  Eventful, right?  Not really. 

So I don't know about you, but I've had LOTS of sweet stuff in the past few days.  I'm guessing it has something to do with Valentine's Day.  Yesterday it was cookies.  Today it was cake.  This girl is in heaven!  But at the same time,  I feel like a fatty eating all of that junk.  Guess that's the price you have to pay to be a girl with a sweet tooth, right?

Sometimes it's nice to have a random, blank kind of day.  I would choose that kind of day over a day when I'm super stressed or feeling bad from being sick.  It's important to make sure you always take time for yourself.  I hope you had a good day today, even if it was random and uneventful like mine.  Keep your head up :)



Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day?



Happy Valentine's Day...right?  I'm not so sure about you, but today is just another day for me.  But in any case, I decided to dedicate today's letter to the holiday. 

So what do you do when you don't have a significant other to spend Valentine's Day with? For you, you're probably exchanging Valentine's Day cards with friends at school, unless of course you've already decided that you're "too old" and "too cool" for that anymore.  I bought them for my friends all the way up until I graduated from high school, and this year I made them at home with lots of glitter and red and pink, of course. Some single people, like myself, decide to spend the day pampering themselves since they have no one to do it for them.  This morning I made a really yummy breakfast that consisted of pancakes, bananas, and chocolate.  Later I plan to do my makeup with a theme of red and pink.  And I get to have dinner with one of my good friends, too. 

I bet you some people even go so far as to write themselves love letters.  I caught myself earlier thinking about this, and what I'd say to myself if I ever did decide to write myself a love letter.  At first, the idea of writing myself a letter full of nice things to say about myself seemed silly, and a little vain, especially considering how often Mom tells me I have a "swelled head."  But then, the more I thought about it, I don't really think it's a bad idea.  Here's what I imagine I'd say to myself:

Dearest Meghan,

Happy Valentine's Day!  Today is a day all about love, and so I thought I'd take a few moments to tell you what I love so much about you.  First, despite everything you have been through in your 24 years, you are a very strong and determined woman.  While you have your moments when you become down on yourself, and you may doubt who you are, you never give up and always find your way back to who you are.  Second, I love you for your sense of humor.  Sarcastic, dry, or silly as it may be, your sense of humor is what keeps you going every day.  Third, you are observant.  This is how you learn from your mistakes.  And last but not least, you are pretty, even if you have days when you don't feel like it.  So there.  Even though we have really rough days, I just wanted you to know that I love you in every way that you are.  Happy Valentine's Day!



So yeah. . .that was a little silly.  But it's never a bad thing to love yourself, as long as you don't become vain and let it go to your head.  Try it today. . .be your own Valentine. Hope you get lots of Valentines! 



PS- Here's the perfect song for today. Love Song For No One- John Mayer

Monday, February 13, 2012

Trust Me



Hey.  Sorry I flaked on yesterday's letter.  It was a busy day, and I was pretty tired, so I didn't get a chance to get to it. 

I don't know if I've ever talked to you about it, or if you've ever noticed from my letters, but I try to learn something from every day, even if it's just something small.  Today I've had quite a bit on my mind, though, and so I want to talk a little bit about it.

Do you know what it means to really trust someone?  And what trust entails between two people?  This is what I've been thinking about.  I'm not necessarily talking about the trust between a boyfriend and girlfriend, that's not my issue right now.  I'm just talking about two people, whether they're friends or family.  And trusting yourself, well that's a whole other topic. . .

The first thing that people usually think of when talking about trust is confidentiality.  When looking for someone to trust, one of the main things is usually finding someone that can keep your secrets and any other information that you may indulge to them in confidence.  This is a big part of trust.  But for me lately that doesn't seem to be the issue.  What about knowing that someone won't judge you, and knowing that someone will accept you for who you are no matter the flaws?  That's what I'm having a hard time with.  It's never fun to feel like someone doesn't fully accept you, especially when that person is someone you trust.  Am I right in this?

Hopefully you don't figure this out the hard way.  Just because you can tell someone your secrets doesn't mean you can fully trust them.  I'm sure I'll work through this, and things will go back to normal, but until then it will probably sit heavy on my mind. 

Keep your head up, girl.



Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ready for Some Fun



Hello!  Today has been pretty boring, not going to lie.  I made stuff for Valentine's Day, did stuff on the computer, and now I GET TO GO OUT! OMG you have no idea how much I've been wanting to go out with my friends and dance and have fun.  Being cooped up for two weeks is noooo fun, let me tell you.

So tonight I get to play DD.  In case you don't know, DD stands for Designated Driver.  Very, very important job, and not something you should take lightly.  Of course, you better not figure this out anytime soon, because you won't be 21 for another 8 years.  But yes, despite being DD, I still get to have fun tonight!  I'm so excited about getting out and seeing people that I'm pretty sure I'm going to be super hyper just being sober.  I'm really glad that I'm the type of person that can have fun without drinking.  I'll still dance and do silly stuff without needing any other influence.  When you get older you'll understand more.  If you need alcohol to have fun, well that's just lame.

I hope you're having a good weekend!  Have lots of fun if you can and keep your head up. :)



Friday, February 10, 2012

Out of Nowhere



Hello.  My mind is kind of blank today, so I'm just pulling this letter out of nowhere.  I guess I'll talk about a couple of things that have been on my mind today, if that's okay with you. 

Let us start with Valentine's Day.  Good ol' Valentine's Day. . .ahh I don't know if I'm excited about it this year, or saddened by it.  This is the first year in five years that I've been single on Valentine's Day. In the past when I was in a relationship, I didn't put a huge emphasis on the day, but I always did try to do something cute and fun for my significant other.  I'm not sure what to really expect this year, though.  As it's getting closer, I seem to be thinking about it more, and not always do the happiest thoughts come to mind.  I'm not going to lie, it would be nice to have a special someone to spend the day with.  But at the same time, there is no one that I feel is special enough to have my attention for the day, and so I'll probably put that attention towards my friends.  I already plan on giving each of them a little something. :)

I guess since I started with the subject of Valentine's Day I'll go on and talk about guys, too.  Guys. Ick. Blahhhh. You can probably tell where this one is going.  Guys just really, really aggravate me sometimes.  Maybe it's me, but I just can't seem to find one that is special enough to get me back into a relationship.  So yeah, maybe it is me.  Maybe it's not guys.  Sometimes I think I'm too selfish.  I like my "me" time, and I like my friend time, and I don't want anyone interfering with that.  I also like the possibility of meeting new people, and even more so, meeting new guys.  Is that bad? Sometimes I think it is.  Maybe one day I'll get past it and find that one guy that is special enough (not to mention being brave enough to put up with me).

I hope you aren't dreading Valentine's Day.  It was always a fun day for me when I was still in school.  Hope you have a good weekend! Keep your head up :)



Thursday, February 9, 2012

What Inspires You?



Hey.  I've got a question for you today.  What inspires you?  It could be anything. . .just think about it.  It doesn't have to be a huge inspiration.  It could be something that inspires a feeling, an action, anything like that.  I've been in a Gavin DeGraw mood lately.  Usually when I'm obsessively listening to his music days at a time, I'm either 1: depressed, 2: hopeful, 3: soulful, or 4: I'm straight up missing his voice and music (I'll make sure to share one of my favorite songs of his with you so that you can see why I'm so obsessed).  Well I've been listening to his music a lot lately.  Don't worry, I'm not depressed.  It would take a lot for me to get to that point again.  I'm feeling a bit soulful and a lot pensive lately, and he inspires me.  Just his lyrics, his tone, and his overall gorgeousness. . .something about him inspires me.

While music is an obvious inspiration because of the way it can make you feel, think about the other stuff, too.  Food is an inspiration for me (that makes me sound like a fatty).  I love to try new things with different foods.  It gets me feeling creative.  Pinterest is another thing lately that has inspired me to try some fun new projects, recipes and looks.  You should check it out sometime. It's definitely addictive.  And then of course there are people.  You inspired me to be a better big sister and so I started this blog.  It's stuff like that that pushes me to do new things.

So what inspires you?  I challenge you to think about it, and when you feel inspired, act on it.  There's a reason you feel inspired in the first place.  Keep your head up!



"Glass" by Gavin DeGraw

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I Carry the Weight of the World



I am the kind of person that carries the weight of the world on my shoulders.  I've been that way for as long as I can remember.  It's not always the greatest character trait to have, either.  Do you know what I mean by the "weight of the world?"  I'm a fixer.  I'm the kind of person that will see a situation, try to find a way to fix it, and if I can't, I stress over it and feel bad for not being able to do anything.  The situation might not even have something directly to do with me.  It could involve a friend, family member, or coworker, and I'd still take on that extra burden. 

Our family's situation isn't an easy one.  It's not fun, it's not exciting, it's not simple.  It's the opposite of all of that.  And as one of the children, it's not directly my "problem" either, for a lack of a better term.  But I still somehow manage to make it my issue.  Every time Mom and Dad go to court, ever time I sit through a meeting with the social workers, every time a new "solution" is presented, that weight just gets a little heavier. 

Sometimes I am amazed that I have made it through each trial, each weight added to my already heavy load.  I mean, I know I'm a tough person, but how much stuff can one person hold?  I wonder the same about Mom and Dad sometimes, too.  If I, the strong, stubborn, ambitious one, have trouble from time to time, then surely they do, too.  But then I remind myself of just what kind of person I am.  I'm strong.  I'm definitely stubborn.  I'm ambitious when I want to be, and because of that I hardly ever give up.  And that's how I make it through each addition. 

I hope, for your sake, that you're not like me in this way.  To carry the weight of everyone else's stuff, even if they don't ask you to, is a huge job.  And with it come great responsibilities, great emotions, and great realizations about the way life really is.  And if you do end up like me, well I hope that you have a great understanding of yourself, because there will be times when you have to remind yourself of who you are, and why you keep on going the way you do. 

I told you these letters wouldn't always be flowers and sunshine.  It's just part of who I am.  Love you.  Keep your head up.



Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Queen of Awkward



Hello! How's your day going today so far?  Kind of silly for me to ask considering you can't answer right away, but hey might as well try, right?  Anyway, today was another blah kind of day.  I got my taxes done (yay, adult responsibility!), and did a few things around town with Mom while we were there.  I attempted to eat Subway today, my first fast food after my surgery, and I think I succeeded.  Meghan-1 Food-ehh...well food is the reason I had surgery. But anyway...

Ever have really awkward moments?  I have them a lot.  It's just part of who I am.  I tell Megan all the time that I should be called the Queen of Awkward because, well, I'm just that awkward.  Today I had a few of those moments.  Let's start with the car ride home today.  Mom and I were in the car.  As usual, we were talking about random things, like how awesome I am (note the sarcasm with that), or like how teenagers like to ride around on back roads and park so that they can get some kissing time in.  This, of course, led to a conversation about kissing, which is not something I normally like to talk about with our mother.  You can imagine how that went....it ended almost as quickly as it began!

The next awkward moment came when Mom decided to stop at a cemetery on the way home.  Don't worry, it's not like we stopped at some random cemetery and started creeping on random people's graves.  We went to the one where Mom's mother is buried.  Going to a cemetery has a the potential to be all kinds of things...awkward, creepy, sad...the list goes on.  For me though, who seems to lack some type of sensitive gene in the area of emotion, this was kind of awkward.  For one, I hadn't been there since Mom-mom was buried, or at least that's the last I remembered going there, so I felt kind of bad that it had taken me 16 years to get there.  Of course, then I had to make some typical comment about how I was walking around over a bunch of dead people, and that I hoped they didn't mind.  Luckily Mom kind of understands my sense of humor, so this wasn't as awkward as it could have been...

Do you have a lot of awkward moments? I do.  I've had them for quite awhile, too.  But you want to know the cool thing? I own up to them, and can laugh at them, and so they're not really that bad.  When you're younger, awkward moments SUCK because you don't always know how to handle them.  So, live up to it.  Own it.  You'll see :)  Keep your head up!



Monday, February 6, 2012

Put a Smile On That Face



Today has been pretty boring. I've spent most of the day fighting an upset stomach, a bit of dizziness, and a migraine that I woke up with, so needless to say, I've spent most of my day in bed.  But regardless, it hasn't been a day wasted.  I spent a lot of time catching up on Pretty Little Liars, which I have been meaning to do for a while.  I also repainted my nails, did some laundry, and cooked a pretty good dinner.  I also got some pretty good ideas while laying around and surfing the web. 

I think I'm going to make my close friends cute little homemade presents for Valentine's Day.  I keep saying how I want a project since I have all this free time on my hands, and what better project than one to make my friends smile.  I have a couple of cute ideas...I'll have to share them with you after the fact that way I don't spoil the gifts for my friends that might be reading this.  I like doing things for other people, though.  It's always nice to do something, whether small or big, that puts a smile on a person's face. You should try it sometime :)

Hope your week starts off well, and continues going that way.  Hopefully in the next few days I'll be pretty much back to normal.  Keep your head up :)



Sunday, February 5, 2012

What Super Bowl?



Today is the day football fans go crazy.  Whether they are actually rooting for one of the teams playing, or if they are crying over the fact that their team sucked too much to make it to the big game, most eyes will be on the television today.  Not mine, though! I have never been a football fan.  Call me weird, call me lame, call me whatever you want.  I've just never liked football.  I've never really understood it, either.  When I tell people this they usually look at me like I'm crazy, or like I must have been too dumb to finish high school.  Either way, I won't be watching.

Sure, sometimes you'll catch me wearing an Eagles shirt.  I guess this is how I show my "family pride."  Ever since I was little, all I remember is our dad, his brother and his father rooting for any Philadelphia team.  Since I actually like baseball, I'll wear the Phillies gear every now and then, and even watch a game on tv when I can. And truthfully, I've always been curious about ice hockey but have never watched it.  Maybe I'll have to check it out one day.  But football has never been my thing.  Still, when I wear that shirt I'll gladly defend my family's choice in teams.  I'll say "My Dad is from there.  So was his dad, and his dad's dad."  Then I usually go on to talk about how our great-grandfather used to write for the Philadelphia Inquirer when he was still around.

So, no, I won't be watching the Super Bowl today.  If I could actually eat all the yummy food that goes along with the big game, then you'd probably find me at some gathering, but since I had surgery I can't even participate in that part of the Super Bowl.  For some, today is a big day. But not for me.  If you are watching the game today, I hope you have fun.  Maybe you'll be a football fan as you get older.  Not all of us sisters have to be the same. :)



Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Things We Take for Granted



Today is my last day of no driving, and I have to tell you, I'm pretty psyched.  I can't wait to get back out there!  After a week of almost bed-rest, I'm anxious to be able to see my friends, and to be able to do the things that I was doing before I went into the hospital last weekend. 

Experiences like this one quite often open a person's eyes to the things that we take for granted in everyday life.  One major thing for me has been driving.  Ever since I was 16, I have been able to come and go in my car as I please, with the only restriction being my parents when I was still in high school.  But this past week, I wasn't able to do that.  I had to stay in bed, whether it was at the hospital or at home, and not drive my car.  Another major thing has been my overall independence.  I am a VERY independent, stubborn person, so for me to have to rely on other people was a major change.  I didn't like the fact that I had to ask for help when washing my hair, or getting out of bed, or even the fact that I had to call a nurse every time I wanted to be unhooked.  Those were all big challenges for me. 

The other major thing I noticed that I take for granted is people.  People like Mom and Dad, and my friends, even you and Chrysta.  You see these people everyday, and expect certain things from them, but when you're in a situation like I was, they don't HAVE to be there for you.  As an adult, I'm pretty much on my own.  But Mom and Dad were there everyday if they could be, and even helped me with things that any normal functioning adult wouldn't need help with.  My friends stopped by when they could, and offered to bring me anything that would make me comfortable.  People are probably one of the things we take for granted the most.  And I really learned that this week.

So try to notice the things you take for granted.  Whether it be your friends, or the television, or the meals you eat every night, notice them, and when you do maybe you'll appreciate them a little more.  I know I do!



Friday, February 3, 2012




The last few days have been pretty rough, and that's why I didn't get to write you a letter yesterday.  The pain from my surgery is bad, but I can handle it.  Although pain and no gall bladder are the two most obvious results of the last few days, there is also something else that I came away with.  I realized how many good friends and caring people I have in my life.

Friends are a funny thing.  There are the ones that are always there; these are usually your best and closest friends.  They're the ones that know you the best and that love you no matter what state you may be in.  For me, these are the friends that I trust the most, know the best, and expect the most from.  But then there are the other friends, the ones that you know are there, but that you don't see or hear from as much.  I got to see a lot of these friends this week.  People that I don't talk to a lot, or get to hang out with much, were checking on me constantly and offering to help if I needed it.  Going through what I did this week reminded me that I have a lot of good people in my life.

Friends are important.  It doesn't matter how many you have, or how long you have known them, friends are a great thing to have.  This week I really appreciated my friends.  Take note of the good people in your life, Lauren.  One day you may really need them, and if you take care to keep them around, they'll be there for you.  Friends are like a second family; I'll write you a letter about that one day, too.  Thanks for visiting this week.  You may be my little sister, but you're one of my good friends, too.  Love you!



Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What It Means to Be Your Sister: Pt. 2



So today I'm going to talk a little bit more about what I think it means to be someone's sister, and in particular, your sister.  Last time I said it was about setting an example for you.  I think that is a common principle when someone thinks about what it means to be an older sibling.  But I also think it's about paving the way for you.  As children, we often look up to our parents to pave the way for us to do things in life, both as children and later as adults.  And I think this concept goes hand in hand with setting an example, too.  But as an older sister, I think in a way it is my responsibility as well to pave the way for you.

In our immediate family I was the first one to finish my college career.  While I'm setting an example for you, I'm also paving the way for you to do the same thing.  When you're the first one to do something, sometimes it's hard to make to even make that initiative to do it in the first place.  Things like fear of failure, and fear of the unknown would both make it hard for someone to try something new. I was definitely scared when I went to college.  Mom and Dad, despite taking a few college classes, didn't know much about what it took to be a full time student in college, and so it was up to me to do it on my own.  In that particular situation, I hope I took away that initial fear that I was talking about so that you won't be as afraid to try college one day.

There are other ways I have paved the way for you as your older sister.  Chrysta has as well, too.  I was the first to get my driver's license out of the three of us.  Chrysta, although the situation was stressful, was the first to move out of the house.  She was also the first of us to have a child.  There are many things that we have done so that hopefully one day you can experience them, too. 

So what does it mean to be your sister? It means a lot of things.  So far I've covered setting an example, and paving the way for you do to and experiencing things in life.  There are plenty of other things, too, that I haven't even thought of yet, so when I do think of them, I'll make sure to share.

